Ariella has a private practice specializing in divorce and custody related issues. In addition to being a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Ariella holds a certificate in Child and Family Forensics from William James College in Massachusetts.

Ariella has a private practice specializing in divorce and custody related issues. In addition to being a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Ariella holds a certificate in Child and Family Forensics from William James College in Massachusetts.
Barbara Seifer is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist located in Burlingame. Her practice includes Collaborative Divorce coaching, as well as being a Collaborative Child specialist.
Chuck Amital is both a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a licensed California attorney, with a mediation practice that focuses on providing the following services:
Dianne Thomas is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Mediator in San Mateo. Her practice includes Collaborative Divorce Coaching and as well as acting as a Collaborative Child Specialist.
Jamie is a seasoned Licensed Marriage Family Therapist dedicated to supporting individuals and families navigating the complexities of divorce and custody. With her private practice specializing in divorce-related services, Jamie brings a wealth of expertise in mediation, coaching, co-parent counseling, and child custody evaluations.
Nancy Gray is an experienced Licensed Marriage Family and Child Therapist with a passion for helping parents learn new ways to communicate with each other and with their children, teens and young adults.
Valerie Sher, PhD is a Licensed Psychologist and Educator with specialties in the areas of relationships, couples therapy, sexuality, coparenting, navigating divorce, family therapy, and trauma.