How to Begin
First, take a deep breath. Understand that stress and emotions, from anger to frustration to loss, are a natural part of this life transition. While you may feel overwhelmed, be assured that you will live through this.

Collaborative Divorce is an amicable approach that focuses on the needs of the family. By removing litigation from the divorce proceedings, our member attorneys help clients craft a mutually agreeable settlement. Additionally, other Collaborative team professional members in the mental health and financial planning specialties can assist with getting clients lives back on track during and after the divorce. The process is more comprehensive, eliminates litigation costs, and helps each party exit the relationship with dignity and respect.
Resolve disputes together without litigation.
Craft a mutually agreeable settlement.
Eliminate litigation costs.
Work towards the best outcome for you and your family.
Exit the relationship with dignity and respect.
Divorce Options® Workshop
We offer an informational workshop each month to teach our community about the benefits of the Collaborative process. The workshop is a logical first step in our process and is a great way to learn about the divorce court process, Collaborative as an alternative, and to meet our members.