
Insights from Collaborative Professionals.
What’s the advantage of a Collaborative team?

What’s the advantage of a Collaborative team?

A Collaborative Divorce is comprised of a team of professionals to help with the three pillars of a divorce: legal, emotional, and financial. To help on the legal side, there’s a lawyer; to help on the emotional side, there’s a mental health professional (called a Coach in this setting); to help on the financial side, there’s a financial specialist, usually a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA).

Wedding Planning – Prenuptial Agreements

Wedding Planning – Prenuptial Agreements

Is marriage strengthening on your to-do list? It should be! Being married for 28 years while practicing family law in the Bay Area for 20 years has taught me a lot about marriage. I know that no amount of premarital counseling covers the bulk of marital conflicts including those that sometimes result in divorce. However, a well-executed prenuptial agreement process improves your marriage before it even starts.

Resiliency In Divorce – What it Is and Why You Want It

Resiliency In Divorce – What it Is and Why You Want It

What is Resiliency? Resiliency is one of the most important qualities we can cultivate. Resilience is the ability to recover quickly and keep functioning from difficulties and adverse situations. It’s the ability to adapt and adjust, both physically and psychologically to difficult situations, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.

3 Tips to Help Your Children Thrive During Divorce

3 Tips to Help Your Children Thrive During Divorce

Keep Your Children Out of the Middle. Parents who can remember that their children love both their parents will have the best chance to have healthy and happy children during the divorce process. How do you accomplish this? It is simple if you follow a few do’s and dont’s.