Samantha Michelle Leschek, Esq.
Family Law Attorney, Family Law Mediator, and Collaborative Divorce Practioner
About Samantha
Samantha counsels clients through all phases of the divorce process, including post-divorce matters. Samantha also assists families who are beginning their relationships with premarital agreements and who are married with postmarital agreements.
Samantha is passionate about out-of-court settlement work through negotiation, mediation, and Collaborative Divorce to help minimize the emotional and financial costs of a divorce. Samantha understands that resolving disputes outside the court system empowers people to craft agreements that meet their goals and consider creative solutions beyond the traditional legal model.
Samantha understands that navigating family law matters involves experiencing strong emotions while, at the same time, making important financial and legal decisions. Samantha recognizes that the conflict involved often includes emotional, financial, and legal dimensions. Samantha is dedicated to helping clients navigate this conflict wisely and with confidence so that they can make sound and informed decisions and move forward with their lives.
Palo Alto, CA 94303